
February 21, 2019

The Rotary Club of Wexford celebrates 40 years of Service

At the weekly lunch meeting held at the River Bank Hotel, Wexford, on Monday 18th February, members present celebrated 40 years of service by cutting an anniversary cake to mark the occasion.

Club President, Mr Thomas Huelswitt welcomed all members present and said “ We will have a further more significant  celebration later in the year, an appropriate  celebratory occasion is in the planning”.

One of the founder members and main driver of the formation of The Rotary Club of Wexford, Mr Jurgen Saamannshausen outlined a most comprehensive report on the first Charter meeting held on the 16th February 1979. He stated, it was a real winters day!  heavy snow and ice put the whole Country into chaos. The big question was, will District Governor Hugh McIIwaine  from Armagh be able to make it, the most essential ingredient of our Charter Celebration !?, he said the almost impossible happened. All our guests arrived!,  representatives of all Irish clubs, even from as far away as Derry and Armagh attended our Charter Celebrations!.


The Rotary Club of Wexford celebrates 40 years of Service

